
Our Key ESG Metrics

SAEL dutifully focuses on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) metrics, prioritizing sustainability.

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Our Numbers

Highlights of Key Metrics

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Electricity Generation Capacity
Revenue Streams (KFIs)

Note: Data CY 2023.

ESG Reporting

Reporting Framework

We rely on several widely accepted ESG reporting methodologies to inform our approach to sharing SAEL’s sustainability progress and key performance indicators (KPIs). This helps us ensure the framework we use is aligned with industry standards, allowing us to inform our stakeholders of our ESG efforts in a streamlined manner.

Specifically, we seek to report our ESG goals, progress, and performance in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and the United Nations SDGs.

Stakeholder's Map

Our Key Stakeholders



Investors/ Lenders

Vendors/ Suppliers

Govt./ Regulatory Bodies

Local Communities


Contractual Workforce


Our Main Material ESG Subjects

To accurately depict the depth of associated risks and the breadth of coverage provided in this progressive report, as well as in our future publications, we've systematically categorized our material topics into three distinct levels. Each level comprises various subtopics and their corresponding metrics. Leading the forefront are our Level 1 topics, encompassing the most critical ESG-related risks and opportunities of significance to SAEL. These topics require heightened attention, and in upcoming reports, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive overview of the measures taken to address them.

Simultaneously, our Level 2 and Level 3 topics, though significant, entail relatively lower risks or opportunities in comparison to Level 1. As a result, these levels will receive proportionally less content in our publications.

Level 1
  • Climate Change
  • Health, Safety, Sustainability, Environment and Wellbeing
  • Stakeholder Relationship Management
Level 2
  • Anticorruption and Transparency
  • Business Continuity & Growth
  • Operational Excellence
  • Resource Optimization
  • Compliance
  • Asset Quality
  • Vendor Management
Level 3
  • Digital Transformation
  • Human Rights
  • Data privacy and Cybersecurity
  • Revenue and Taxes